• Text
  • Number
  • Dropdown
    • Atomic Argument
    • List Argument
    • Data Frame Argument

Appifyr offers three types of inputs: dropdown, text and number. Test

All input types share the arguments label and width. The label will be displayed next to the input on the form. The width argument accepts integer values between 1 and 12 (it’s using the bootstrap grid system). A value of 12 will make the input take an entire row. The default width is 4.

The inps argument takes a list where every element is named corresponding to one of the arguments to your function. So, for a function my_function(x, y) you must specify both x and y in the list, e.g. list(x = inp_text(), y = inp_text()). The names must match exactly. Note that it is possible to pass anything to ....


The text input inp_text is the most basic type of input.

appify("text_to_title", inps = list(plot_title = inp_text(width = 12)))


You can use the number input inp_number type to restrict values to numbers.

appify("number_to_sample", inps = list(n = inp_number(from = 0, to = 10e9)))